Feedback & Suggestions

We are always happy to receive comments, feedback and suggestions. A church family works best when we listen to each other. The best way to share feedback is to talk with or message one of the pastoral or ministry staff, or with the team leader responsible for that area of ministry.


We recognise that from time to time, the quality of what we do may not meet with the standards that individuals have come to expect. We view complaints as an opportunity to learn and improve for the future, as well as a chance to put things right for the person or organisation that has made the complaint.

We believe that it is best to follow Biblical principles for reconciling differences before resorting to a formal process. Based on Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 18:15-35….

  • If at all possible, talk directly to the person involved

  • If necessary, 1-2 others from the church family can be brought in to help mediate

  • If needed, further resources can be sought from within Riverside Vineyard or other churches or appropriate organisations

Complaints procedure

As part of our complaints procedure, we will:

  • Treat complaints seriously and deal with them properly

  • Resolve complaints as promptly as we can

  • Learn from complaints and take action to improve

  • Ensure that complaints are treated in confidence

What to do if you have a complaint

It is always better if you can let us know straight away. Many complaints can often be sorted out quickly by a member of the pastoral or ministry staff, or the team leader responsible for the relevant area of ministry or the event you are attending. We will welcome the opportunity to do this if at all possible.

If it is not possible to do this at the time you can contact us by email (, in writing (Riverside Vineyard Church, Airpark Way, Feltham, TW13 7LX) or by telephone (020 8890 3535).

What happens next?

Should you have cause to complain, we will try to resolve the issue, normally within 21 days. More complex complaints however, may require a more significant time period, potentially taking 6 months or more to complete. We will keep you updated throughout.

What if the complaint is not resolved?

If you are not happy with our response, then you can get back in touch with us by writing to the Chair of Trustees at 

You will be invited to fill in a complaint form and upon receipt, your complaint will be reviewed by one of our independent non-executive trustees and a response sent in writing within 10 working days.

 The complainant can complain to the Charity Commission at any stage. Information about the kind of complaints the Commission can involve itself with can be found on its website at

We are registered with the Fundraising Regulator and unresolved complaints regarding fundraising activities can be referred to